Providing Liquidity

The frontend offers two interfaces for providing liquidity on the Canto DEX and Ambient:

To swap tokens through the Canto DEX or Ambient, use a third-party frontend or aggregator such as Slingshot.

This interface is used to provide liquidity to any of Canto's incentivized liquidity pools. At the time of writing, these include the following:

  • CANTO/NOTE (Canto DEX, volatile)

  • CANTO/ETH (Canto DEX, volatile)

  • CANTO/ATOM (Canto DEX, volatile)

  • NOTE/USDC (Canto DEX, stable)

  • NOTE/USDT (Canto DEX, stable)

  • cNOTE/USDC (Ambient)

  • NOTE/USDC (Ambient)

Add Liquidity

In order to add liquidity to a pool using the LP interface:

  1. Click on the Add LP button next to a pool and select Manage LP.

  2. Enter how much liquidity you wish to provide, and click the Add Liquidity button.

  3. Confirm the transactions in your wallet.

Liquidity tokens are automatically deposited to the Canto Lending Market ("staked") to earn liquidity incentives.

Remove Liquidity

In order to remove liquidity from a pool using the LP interface:

  1. Click on the Manage LP button next to a pool and select Manage LP.

  2. Navigate to the REMOVE tab.

  3. Enter how much liquidity you wish to remove, and click the Remove Liquidity button.

  4. Confirm the transactions in your wallet.

This interface is used to create or provide liquidity to pools on the Canto DEX.

Create a Pool

  1. Click on the Create a Pair button.

  2. Select the assets.

  3. Sign the transactions in your wallet to create the pair.

  4. Optionally, follow the steps below to add liquidity.

Add Liquidity

  1. Click on the ADD LP button next to a pool or create a new pair as above.

  2. Enter how much liquidity you wish to provide. For a new pair, the amounts of each asset will determine the starting price.

  3. Click on the APPROVE TOKENS button and confirm the transactions in your wallet.

  4. Finally, click on the ADD LP button and confirm the transactions in your wallet.

Remove Liquidity

  1. Click on the ADD LP button next to a pool and select the REMOVE tab.

  2. Enter how much liquidity you wish to remove.

  3. Click on the REMOVE LP button and confirm the transactions in your wallet.

Last updated