
LP tokens on the Canto DEX and cNOTE deposits on third-party lending markets are continuously tracked by LendingLedger.

  • In the case of cNOTE deposits, third-party lending markets call sync_ledger every time a user deposits or withdraws cNOTE.

  • In the case of LP tokens, tokens should be wrapped in a LiquidityGauge, which calls sync_ledger in the _afterTokenTransfer hook.

Additionally, users claim incentives from LendingLedger.

Syncing Ledger

To sync the ledger, call the sync_ledger(address _lender, int256 _delta) method. The address is that of the user (liquidity provider) and the int256 is the amount of tokens deposited/received (positive) or withdrawn/sent (negative) with 18 decimal places of precision.

Important: The sync_ledger method reverts if the caller is not a whitelisted lending market or LiquidityGauge. As a result, lending markets integrating Liquidity Coordinator should wrap this method in a try-catch block to ensure liquidity providers can still deposit/withdraw if their market is removed from the whitelist.


await LendingLedger.sync_ledger(0x..., 10000000000000000000) // 10 cNOTE deposit


cast send --ledger 0x... "sync_ledger(address,int256)" 0x... 10000000000000000000


To claim incentives, call the claim(address _market) method. Previously, incentives could only be claimed for past epochs; however, incentives are now claimed for all epochs including partial incentives for the current epoch.


await LendingLedger.claim(0x...) // Claim all incentives


cast send --ledger 0x... "claim(address)" 0x...

Secondary Rewards

Third-party protocols can use LendingLedger's deposit tracking to implement secondary token rewards, e.g. lending market governance tokens.

Within theuserInfo mapping, lending market addresses map to user addresses, which in turn map to UserInfo structs. UserInfo.secRewardDebt is the amount of secondary rewards the user is entitled to.

Last updated