
Canto has a testnet network for development and testing purposes. To connect to and explore the testnet, use these details:

Network Name: Canto Testnet New RPC URL: https://canto-testnet.plexnode.wtf Chain ID: 7701 Currency Symbol: CANTO Block Explorer URL: https://testnet.tuber.build/ Alternative Explorer URL: https://canto-test.dex.guru/


A testnet faucet at https://www.cantofaucet.com/ disperses 50 tokens per address per 24 hours.

Alternatively, use the /driptestnet {address} command in the #canto-testnet-faucet channel of the Canto Discord.

Discord Faucet Instructions

To use the faucet, locate the #canto-testnet-faucet channel in the Canto Discord. In this channel, begin typing /driptestnet into the chat bar. When you see the command appear above the chat bar, hit enter and paste in your wallet address. Finally, hit enter once more to send the command.

Free Public Infrastructure

Canto's Free Public Infrastructure primitives, including the Canto DEX and Lending Market, are deployed to Canto testnet. Contract addresses can be found here.

Contract Secured Revenue

Contract Secured Revenue (CSR) is enabled on Canto testnet. Turnstile is deployed at the same address as on mainnet i.e. 0xEcf044C5B4b867CFda001101c617eCd347095B44.

Last updated